全栈 Python 在 PyCon US 2018 上

Posted by Matt Makai on May 09, 2018.

PyCon US 2018 kicked off today with the first day of tutorials. I am flying in tomorrow and will be there through the end of the weekend. If you're around, come by either the Twilio booth or the community booth where the  gang from Talk Python to Me, Real Python, PyBites and Test & Code will be hanging out. I will be at one of those two spots when I am not watching talks! I'd love your feedback on what I can improve on Full Stack Python. It's also great hearing your stories about how the site has helped you improve your development skills.

For those folks who can't make it to PyCon, I'll be tweeting the best stuff that I see throughout the conference via @fullstackpython. Likewise, if I miss something let me know on Twitter or via email so we can highlight it.

One quick update on the Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments book. I have a great update in the works that bumps to the latest versions of Ubuntu (now 18.04 LTS), Ansible 2.5.1 and Flask 1.0.2. It has been a long time coming and will be a free update to all existing purchasers. If you have not bought the book yet, I recommend waiting until the update is out because the existing book's software versions are getting way too out of date to be useful to most projects.

Got questions or comments about  Full Stack Python? Send me an email or  submit an issue ticket on GitHub  to let me know how to improve the site as I continue to fill in the table of contents  with new pages and  new tutorials.

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