PyCon US 2018 CFP, Python Bytes 和 Pelican

Posted by Matt Makai on October 09, 2017.

PyCon US 2018 is coming up in Cleveland, Ohio on May 9th-17th. The call for proposals (CFP) went live in the past few days so now is the time to sharpen your keyboards and get yourself into the proposal writing zone.

When you start working on your proposal, here are some awesome resources on building a great tech talk, public speaking and describing your session by writing a solid proposal:

  1. Seven tips to get into PyCon
  2. Rejected PyCon proposals
  3. On conference speaking
  4. Example conference proposals

Looking forward to seeing you all at PyCon US in Cleveland early next year!

Speaking of folks who will definitely be at PyCon, Python Bytes is an awesome weekly Python podcast by Michael Kennedy of Talk Python to Me and Brian Okken of Test and Code. Michael and Brian teamed up to host and produce Python Bytes. I really enjoy listening to the rapid-fire discussion of several programming topics within a single podcast.

Michael and Brian were kind enough to invite me on as a co-host for the 38th episode "Hacking Classic Nintendo Games with Python" while Michael was on vacation. The following episode "The new PyPI" also had a great discussion of the Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs) page on Full Stack Python.

One of the projects I talked about on the Python Bytes podcast episode that I guest hosted is Pelican, the static site generator that turns Markdown and some Jinja templates into the Full Stack Python site. Here are some additional tutorials and resources to get started using Pelican if you've been meaning to build a static site yourself:

  1. How to Create Your First Static Site with Pelican and Jinja2
  2. An overview of the Pelican static site generator
  3. The Ultimate Guide to Deploying Static Sites on AWS

One last bit: Python for Entrepreneurs is now fully released with all 20 hours of content. Got non-developer friends who wants you to build them an app? Send them the Python for Entrepreneurs course so they can stop bugging you and build it themselves :)

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