
Posted by Matt Makai on January 13, 2019.

Check out the just-launched video course, Introduction to Ansible on Talk Python Training. This is the perfect course for you if you want to learn to configure servers and deploy web apps with the Ansible configuration management tool.

My approach in this course is in less than 3 hours to teach you the core concepts then get a ton of hands-on time creating Ansible Playbooks and learning modules for practical applications. I also show you the errors I frequently run into when using Ansible and how to fix them rather than only showing the happy path.

Now that this course has been published I'll be turning my attention back to the Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments book update that uses the latest version of Ansible, Python 3 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. More news about the update coming as soon as possible. In addition, the Ansible course pairs very well with the deployments book as they use the same tools but give a different angle on how to learn and use them.

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