
Ubuntu is a Debian Linux-based operating system distribution often used for Python development and web application deployment.

Official Ubuntu logo. Copyright Canonical Ltd.

Why is Ubuntu important for Python?

Ubuntu is one of the most commonly used Linux distributions for both local development and server deployments. Some platforms-as-a-service such as Heroku run Ubuntu as the base operating system, so as a Python developer you'll often have to work with Ubuntu or a similar Debian-based Linux operating system.

Ubuntu is an implementation of the operating systems concept. Learn more in the deployment chapter or view the table of contents for all topics.

What does "LTS" mean for Ubuntu?

Every two years Ubuntu releases a Long-Term Support (LTS) version that receives five years of updates instead of only two years for non-LTS releases. However, there are some issues with the current LTS model, in that you must only use packages from the main repository unless you're going to manually handle security updates for non-main repository system packages.

Additional Ubuntu resources

设置操作系统后,您应该配置 Web 服务器。

我应该使用哪个 Web 服务器?

应该如何在服务器上安装 Python 库?

如何使用平台即服务(PaaS)来部署我的 Python 应用程序?

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