Future Directions

Full Stack Python has completely blown away my expectations for what I could accomplish with a side project. I really appreciate all of the in-person feedback, emails and pull requests I've received from the community. Keep them coming!

For 2017 I am filling in the grayed-out topics on the all topics page. I will also address the tactical fixes and improvements that need to be made which are listed in the "tactical improvements" section below.

More updates

A huge update was released in the form of the The Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments, a step-by-step tutorial book for learning how to deploy Python web applications.

I also worked with Michael Kennedy of Talk Python to Me on our Python for Entrepreneurs video course. It's fully released right now!

Pull requests and fixes

Note that these plans can change based on pull requests from the community. I work to integrate PRs within a day or two so please submit one when you see a fix or improvement that needs to be made!

Typos, inaccurate statements or general areas for improvement can also be handled through an issue ticket or pull request on GitHub.

Page maturity

There are so many pages on Full Stack Python (as shown on the all topics / table of contents page) that many are still in active development.

There are roughly one of four buckets of "maturity" a page could fall into:

  1. Not yet created: some pages do not have a detailed page although they will have one in the future. These pages are grayed out on the table of contents.
  2. Starter: a bare bones explanation with a few resources. For example, Jupyter Notebook and Sublime Text.
  3. Intermediate: a page has explanations, more details on why it is important along with additional context in multiple sections. Resources are well-curated and each link is described in further detail. Examples: Jinja2 and development environments.
  4. Stellar: a shining example of a well-written, detailed page that contains numerous explanations and descriptions for the topic. Where applicable there should be digrams and visualizations that augment the text to help the reader better understand the topic. There are also typically multiple categories of resources and links for further research. Examples: Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs), PostgreSQL and static site generators.

Tactical improvements

Every page on Full Stack Python is a work-in-progress that can always use improvements. The following items on this list need some love and attention.

  • Update newer pages such as AWS Lambda, Text editors and IDEs and Falcon pages with additional sections and resources.

  • RQ: Add "Comparing Celery and RQ" and "when is RQ useful?" sections.

  • Celery: Add graphics to show how Celeryd and Celerybeat work. Also add section on comparing Celery to other task queues.

  • Apache Cassandra: Add "why use cassandra?" and "what is CQL?" sections.

  • MongoDB: Add "why is mongodb useful?" and "database drivers" sections.

  • Redis: Add "why use redis?", "data drivers" sections.

  • Git: Add "why use git?", "what is a distributed version control system?", "what's the difference between git and github?" and "git clients" sections.


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