Page Statuses

There are 205 pages on Full Stack Python, not including blog posts. Many pages are a work-in-progress. This page aggregates the status of each page on the site.

Each page can be in one of four levels of maturity:

  1. Not yet created
  2. Starter
  3. Intermediate
  4. Maintain

Pages are never technically "complete" because there will always be the possibility of new sections and link maintenance. However, the aspiration is for all pages to be fully-fleshed out and in the "Maintain" category where they do not require additional information beyond being kept up to date with accurate descriptions and resources.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Page Status
Introduction maintain
Learning Programming maintain
The Python Language maintain
Why Use Python? maintain
Enterprise Python maintain
Python Community maintain
Companies Using Python maintain
Best Python Resources maintain
Must-watch Python Videos maintain
Podcasts maintain

Chapter 2: Development Environments

Page Status
Development environments maintain
Text Editors and IDEs maintain
Vim maintain
Emacs maintain
Sublime Text maintain
PyCharm intermediate
Jupyter Notebook maintain
Shells starter
Bourne-again shell (Bash) starter
Zsh starter
PowerShell starter
Terminal multiplexers starter
tmux starter
Screen starter
Pymux starter
Environment configuration starter
Application dependencies intermediate
virtualenvs starter
Environment variables starter
Localhost tunnels starter
Source Control intermediate
Git starter
Mercurial starter
Apache Subversion starter

Chapter 3: Data

Page Status
Relational databases intermediate
PostgreSQL intermediate
MySQL intermediate
SQLite intermediate
ORMs maintain
SQLAlchemy intermediate
Peewee starter
Django ORM starter
SQLObject starter
Pony ORM starter
NoSQL starter
Redis starter
MongoDB starter
Apache Cassandra starter
Neo4j starter
Data analysis starter
pandas starter
NumPy starter
SciPy starter
Data visualization not yet
Bokeh starter
d3.js starter
Matplotlib starter
Markup Languages not yet
Markdown starter
reStructuredText not yet

Chapter 4: Web Development

Page Status
Web development intermediate
Web frameworks maintain
Django intermediate
Flask maintain
Bottle intermediate
Pyramid starter
Falcon starter
Morepath starter
Sanic starter
Other web frameworks intermediate
Template engines maintain
Jinja2 intermediate
Mako starter
Django templates starter
Web design starter
HTML starter
CSS starter
Responsive design starter
Minification starter
Testing starter
Unit testing starter
Integration testing starter
Database testing not yet
Code metrics starter
Debugging starter

Chapter 5: Web App Deployment

Page Status
Deployment intermediate

Chapter 6: DevOps

Page Status
DevOps starter
Monitoring intermediate
Graphite not yet
Prometheus not yet
Service Canary not yet
Rollbar starter
Sentry not yet
Scout not yet
Web App Performance not yet
Caching starter
Load testing not yet
Scaling not yet
Logging intermediate
stdlib logging not yet
DTrace not yet
logbook not yet
Web analytics starter
Google Analytics not yet
Piwik not yet


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