
Pyramid is an open source WSGI web framework based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

Pyramid web framework logo.

Pyramid is an implementation of the web frameworks concept. Learn how these parts fit together in the web development chapter or view all topics.

Open source Pyramid example apps

These projects provide solid starting code to learn from as you are building your own applications.

Pyramid-specific packages

The following packages are designed to make Pyramid play nicely with existing open source libraries by reducing the boilerplate you need to add to your project.

Pyramid resources

Pyramid has fantastic official project documentation on its site. Other resources are harder to come by compared to other established web frameworks such as Django and Flask, but there are enough tutorials out there for you to learn Pyramid if you choose to build your web applications with it.


什么是 Django Web 框架?


还有哪些其他 Python Web 框架?

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