Data-Driven Documents (d3.js)

Data-Driven Documents (d3.js) is a JavaScript visualization library used to create interactive visuals for web browsers.

Data-Driven Documents (d3.js) logo.

d3.js tutorials

d3.js has a steep learning curve so it is a good idea to read several tutorials before diving in and trying to create your own visualization from scratch.

Charts with d3.js

D3 ecosystem

  • The trouble with D3 is not a tutorial but it's an important read because it discusses why D3 can be very difficult to learn: the learning curve depends on your background. If you are a front-end developer you will likely have the easiest time if you already understand JavaScript, SVG and the browser Document Object Model (DOM). Non-technical designers and analysts typically have the hardest time with using D3 because the not only have to learn the tool itself but all the concepts and web browser technologies that it is built upon.

  • D3.js in Action, Second Edition is partially an announcement for the authors book but also contains good context for who uses D3 and why its usage continues to grow.

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